Tourism, Equalities, Communities, and Culture Committee

Agenda Item 74 (a)


Subject:                    Petitions


Date of meeting:    10 March 2022


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People & Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Thomas Bald



Ward(s) affected:   All



1.            Purpose of the report and policy context

1.1         To receive any petitions submitted directly to Democratic Services or any e-Petition submitted via the council’s website.


2.            Recommendations

2.1         That the committee responds to the petition either by noting it or where it is considered more appropriate, calls for an officer report on the matter.


3.            Context and background information

3.1         To receive the following petition signed by 724 people at the time of publication:


(1)          Protect Dyke Road Park and Surrounds from the installation of telecommunications masts (including 5G)

We the undersigned petition Brighton & Hove Council to designate this site protected from Prior Approval for the installation and erection of telecommunications equipment under Article 4 Direction covering GPDO. The site to be covered to comprise of the triangular portion of land of Dyke Road and the Upper Drive to The Old Shoreham Road re-joining Dyke Road. This would include Dyke Road Park, Park Lodge, Cardinal Newman School, BHASVIC Sixth Form College and any other building or space in this area. In addition to be extended to the adjoining portion of land on the Upper Drive to include the Martlets, Cottesmore School and Brighton and Hove Girls School.

Under LLHA0054 Dyke Road Park is recognised on the Brighton and Hove List of Heritage Assets. It is rich in flora and fauna some of which has protected status. This includes vintage elm trees, badgers and bats. It is used by the wider population and students attending the five schools in the vicinity. It is part of the urban 'green lung' connecting coast to downland as part of the UNESCO sponsored Living Coast. The proposed area has concentrated use by young people for substantial amounts of time for education and leisure purposes. A precautionary approach to the introduction of 5G technology in the identified area is prudent and called for.